Monday, May 01, 2006


watched Downfall at Gading yesterday, it's slightly longer than Munich. both confusing but the latter one was more complicated i think. well, both are not the kind of movies i usually go for but kinda interesting too.

finally bought that black & red devil RO character doll - resemblance of c's car n himself - at fashion hub after been eyeing for that cute thing in the small display window along the way to the XXI since the last few weeks. oh, the character's name is deviruchi. yeah, so not funny that my name is part of its haha.. i'll post a picture of it next time if i remember hehe..

i bought that cute thing for c. quite weird cos he was with me when i bought it so he knows the thing, price, etc. well, it's not about the price or anything. it's just weird when u buy people a gift with them involved in it. it's like there's no surprise anymore.

shouldn't let it loose. a little reminder again maybe?


Anonymous said...

haiiii!!! first comment first comment! yay! akhirnya nak kau bikin blogspot jugaa.. tnang2 nanti gue ajarin cara utak atik template sampai kau pintar nak. hahaha. btw, love the title, fate and faith, the undone. hehe. beda ama LJ lo. gpp, we always need a dark side. :)
yasuww.. tar gue bikinin templet deh say. tnang2.. ;)

miss d said...

kata undone itu jg dapetnya dari loe n kebetulan pas sama fate & faith thing itu kan hehe, so thanks to u jg si *mwahh* ;)