Friday, June 30, 2006

wiken lagi

bener2 gila wiken dateng pergi cepet banget ga berasa. tadi pagi si ta telpon bilang dia uda di sini and ada di apt. mungkin dia dateng dari semalem tapi yg pasti gue rada males kalo bilang hari ini gue sempet bisa2 diajak ke bandung lagi deh ntar malem. gue emang lagi pengen maen2 ke bandung tapi kalo inget muka adenya mending ga usah deh. sumpe males banget liat muka adenya yg menyebalkan.

padahal pengen gue ajakin liat2 zara yang katanya lagi sale up to 50% tapi bisa2 gue digeret dia ampe malem deh. gimana mau excuse coba kalo tau2nya gue jadi mau nyusul si n and hen. pokoknya gue tetep berpikir kalo the whole member of that family are weirdos biarpun kategori anehnya beda2. yang paling mending ya cuma si ta itu menurut gue. semoga aja bener.

lame weirdo


who the hell he think he is?? if it's not for the sake of my friendship with his sis and my mom's with his mother i would really really love to swear rude words and curse him and ban him from my eyesight.

dipikirnya dia kegantengan apa?? actually this is the second entry dedicated to swear at that sick weirdo. MENDING KALO DIA GANTENG!!

all the nice attitude he put up was fake. i never even feel flattered when he says nice things about me or even when he opens the door for me and my sis. it's obvious that he kinda have to put effort in doing all those crap. even my sis could see that there's something weird about the asshole since she met him. bahhh!!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


i got a funny question that makes me laugh. it's so impossible but really terrifying if it's real. but it's cute thou. well, i'm sure that he's actually worried and scared if that really happens. i know i will.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

new template

akhirnya!! baru aja templatenya digantii sama si an. entah kenapa mungkin emang gue bener2 gaptek yg bener2 parah sampe ga bisa ganti sendiri padahal uda dia bikinin n tinggal g copy paste doank. haiyah..

yah yg penting untung ada dia deh hihihi..

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

crap about crap

feel pushed or trapped? huh? i almost gave up just now. don't know what's keeping me from doing it. perhaps my sanity n dvkcl. wish you were here..

Monday, June 12, 2006


the moon is on its full mode since yesterday night. err.. not that i'm in a romantic mood or anything but it can be seen clearly in front of me. i mean up there.

btw, i think it's been solved. or sort of. last night. i'm still a bit confused actually, but trying to make it simpler and just live it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


after the long pointless talk about this, the thing i'm afraid of really happen and apparently it's been going on for quite sometime.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

for better or worse

no, it's is not like the wedding vow. it's a darn question i've been asking myself again lately.

there might be a solution. not confirmed yet but yeah, it might eventually be solved by itself by the time if it really happens. still definitely gonna give a pang but maybe for the best? well, i don't know that anymore.

Monday, June 05, 2006

silence is gold?

suara gue ilank!! memang dari beberapa hari lalu gue ada batuk2 dikit dan dari kemaren pagi bangun uda mulai ngerasa ga beres karena suara uda setengah ilank2. pas si wen telpon jam 9an buat nanyain soal ikut ke gading aja juga uda setengah megap2 buat jawabnya.

pas siangan gue uda bisa ngomong lagi biarpun masih serak dan proses perubahan suara gue mulai dari yang serak-serak seksi menurut si helen tapi menurut gue kayak suara bencong TL ampe jadi kayak suara nenek2 yg kena asma megap2 gitu.

pas malem gue uda beneran susah ngomong tapi masih bisa didenger deh biarpun kayak anak bisu yg nyoba ngomong. sumpe jelek bgt n pas mau tidur uda ngerasa kayaknya suara gue ga ada lagi.

and skrg pas bangun? beneran aja suara gue ilank. mana pagi2 bonyok uda seperti biasa suka ngeselin ngomong yg ga perlu ampe gue kesel jg gue ga bisa nyaut!! ampe akhirnya yg bener2 perlu soal kerjaan gue coret2 di kertas buat kasih tau mereka. damn it. mungkin ini saat yg tepat buat gue belajar menahan diri juga.
