Monday, May 08, 2006


my life is always about intersections, about between choices that i might've already known what's best to be chosen, but mostly still undone. i only can decide what to do but never really doing it. a little pending here n there, taking things easy n not that serious about life. and no wonder when i look around now, here i am after 24 years of my life. nowhere! i'm still trying to live n survive it thou.
speaking about a long winding road with intersections, i'm amazed with people like anne. her life seems so "right".
and i envy people who are very passionate about things, something that they like or crazy about cos it make them seems more alive. en i don't know what's mine.


schizilly said...

Yah I so know what u mean. Been there done that. Still there actually. *grin*

schizilly said...
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miss d said...

yeah.. i'm stuck too. but i'm the one who can't be persistent on my own decision so can't blame it on other people like i want to. *evil grin*