Tuesday, January 15, 2008

loyalty for sale?

is being loyal to your partner in a relationship a plus point?

this is not a tricky question. more like a rhetorical question. to me.

for me personally, being loyal is not an option in a relationship. in fact, in any kind of relationship. be it love, family, friendship or business. it's something unnecessary to be questioned. but again, that's my opinion.

for people who are used to do something bad or in the past, surely doing good does count as a plus point. that, is maybe really an option for them.

so, pertanyaan untuk yg di sisi seberang sana: separah apakah kamu sampai-sampai menjadi setia adalah sebuah nilai tambah?

pastinya semua orang punya alasan mereka sendiri dan saya tertarik untuk mendengar berbagai macam versinya.

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